Free to watch ?
Many donators in the past have suggested this to me, and in the light of recent events it’s seems to be the most valid course of action,
for the following reasons :
- It’s seems to be the only way to garantee life time access I promised no matter what to every donator.
- It is the best course of action the make site attacks and leaking moot.
- It will also prevent 3rd parties from making a buck from my work.
- In addition donations are so rare and scarse that it is site shouldn’t suffer from this transition.
- Free to play is everywhere now and has actually proven a valid economical model maybe free to watch will benefit the community on the long run.
A rar folder with a vast majority of my pics and flash comics will be up very soon to remove all notion of emergency.
Azerothica will also display my work, as the beginning of a fruitfull and continued relationship, so whatever happens you’ll always find at least one site up and a place to find me.
I hope this decision won’t alienate any donators, in case I provided the .rar file with extra renders and the famous MK pack.
But I truly believe each and every donator has received every penny’s worth of his donation the second he got to see the content of the warp portal.
But rest assured that being a donator will still have it’s perks since I will continue commissioning for benefactors only, as previously only donators can post and comment and feedback on the forums.
I hope that in the time you were here you also noticed the most precious thing here wasn’t so much the pictures but the 5 year old community here.
Getting the donators back home
Donators will be re-registered in an orderly fashion ; Field marshals and exalted donators, compulsive commissioners first, then revered, then honored.
During that process that can take a while full access to all content will be garanteed by before mentionned policies.
To handle this process I would need some help, I’ll need a few admins to help gets everyone home faster.
Priorities order
- Deal with commissions still pending
- Construct forum basic posts.
- Set up .rar achive and display comics galleries + best work gallerie
- Get the web domain back (dust must hit the ground at mavenhosting for that)
- Get donators back in gradually.
- redo all galleries from latest to first.
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